copepods under microscope

Full in depth guide to growing copepods at home

What are Copepods? Copepods are a type of small crustacean found in marine and freshwater environments around the world. They are among the most abundant animals on the planet and play an important role in aquatic ecosystems. There are approximately 12,000 identified species of copepods. The most common copepod species that are cultured in the…

peppermint shrimp

Breeding Peppermint Shrimp – The complete guide

Featured image credit: Most all Peppermint shrimp in the aquarium trade are currently wild-caught. To reduce the impact we can help out by breeding our own shrimp in captivity. They are highly sought after for their aiptasia control by reefers and can bring in a pretty penny to help fund your hobby. I guarantee…